Spring 1 Week 3

The Reception and Pre-School children enjoyed using the parachute.

We made pizza.

The Pre-School children are enjoying developing their listening skills in phonics.

We looked at the composition of number 5 using the part/whole model.

The Pre-School children have been practising their counting.

We have been matching numbers in maths.

We painted to music. We made faster brush strokes when the music was fast!

Spring 1 Week 2

We used natural materials and mud to create pictures of food.

We created observational drawings of fruit.

We talked about how we can show our love for Jesus.

We played ‘I went to the market…’

We looked at different fruit and vegetables and printed with these.

The Pre-School children have been looking at numbers to 3.

We had fun playing in the snow.

Spring 1 Week 1

We looked at the story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and acted it out.

The Pre-School children went on an environmental sound walk.

The new Pre-School children are settling in well.

We enjoyed taking part in a minion cosmic kids yoga.

The Pre-School children looked at counting to 20 and then focused on the numbers one and two.

We explored finger painting by creating pictures of food.

We acted out the Epiphany story in RE.