Summer 2 Week 6

We enjoyed our trip to church. We sang songs, prayed and looked at the special objects in the church with Father Gerard and Monica. We also set up an alter and got to bless ourselves using holy water!

We enjoyed seeing the Premier League Trophy today!


We made boats out of different materials and then tested them to see if they work float and they all did!


We painted pictures of aliens.

Summer 2 Week 5

The Pre-School children looked at adding and taking away using blocks. 

Mr Dempsey came into Class 1 to tell us about his job as a train driver. We were very excited and learnt how to keep safe near trains and what he needs to drive a train!

We have been exploring how to use a rekenrek.

We learnt about the country Belgium for ‘Around the World’ week. We dressed up in Belgium flag colours. We also tasted food from this country (waffles, chocolate and cheese).

We have looked at courage in our collective worship this week.

Summer 2 Week 4

We had an amazing trip at the Wildlife Oasis! We saw lots of animals including meerkats and snow leopards and got to touch and hold a cockroach, stick insect, salamander and more!

We painted pictures of dinosaurs.

We have been investigating which materials would make the best boats.

We practised writing our phonics sounds.

Summer 2 Week 3

In maths, we have been looking at repeating patterns.

We have been looking at parts of a pirate ship. We drew pirate ships outside on the yard using chalk.

We have been looking at different boats.

Blackbeard the pirate stole our treasure! We followed a treasure map and found it!

We talked about Paul becoming a follower of Jesus in our collective worship.

Summer 2 Week 2

We have been looking at floating and sinking.

We have been looking at odd and even sharing in maths.

We sorted out pictures of different places into ‘Home’ (England) and ‘Away’ (different countries) groups.

We played double bingo in maths.

The Pre-School children have been looking at life cycles.

Summer 2 Week 1

We have been looking at old and new transport.

We have been testing to see which materials are absorbent and which are waterproof.

The Pre-School children enjoyed looking at seasons and then looking for signs of Summer.

We talked about the Good News in our collective worship and reflected on this.