
In Maths, we went on a numbered Easter egg hunt!

We participated in an Easter themed ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’.

We have looked at animals and their young and matched these up.

We carried out an investigation to see which materials would make a good waterproof coat for Oscar the monkey. We enjoyed doing this outside in the lovely sunshine!

We made Easter cards.


We created symmetrical Easter Eggs in maths.

We made lots of Easter crafts .

Spring 2-Minibeasts/Life Cycles

We have been busy in continuous provision.


We enjoyed a Cosmic Kids Yoga session (The Hungry Caterpillar theme).


We enjoyed our minibeast hunt. We found worms, spiders, woodlice and more!

Some children made a ‘bug house’ in continuous provision.

We made minibeast habitats.

We painted pictures of minibeasts.

We have some frog spawn in our investigation area!

Our Fairy Garden is growing!

We looked at ‘The Vergy Hungry Caterpillar’ and then sequenced the life cycle of a butterfly.

We built models with 3d shapes. We discussed the names and properties of the shapes that we used.

Spring 2- Jack and the Beanstalk

We planted bean seeds.

We are growing our own Fairy Garden!

As part of STEM week, we made paper towers to see which shapes would be the strongest. We found that the cylinder was!

We have been looking at subtraction in maths.

We looked a thing the famous artist ‘Vincent Van Gogh’ and painted sunflower pictures like him. 🌻  🎨

As part of STEM week, we had a go at making straw aeroplanes and seeing how far they could fly. We had so much fun with this activity!

In collective worship, we looked at being part of God’s family.

We practised writing our tricky words.