Spring 2 Week 6

We looked at height in maths.

We are enjoying our PE sessions practising our different skills. This week we looked at throwing and catching.

Fantastic effort from Class 1 with their boiled eggs and bonnets.

We experimented to see which materials would make a good waterproof coat for Super Sam.

We made Easter nests.

Spring 2 Week 4

We have duck eggs in our classroom. We are excited to see them hatch!

We now have two ducklings!

We went on a minibeast hunt. We found a spider, flies, woodlice and a worm.

We followed a map to find some pretend minibeasts!

As part of STEM week, we looked at time and made a sand timer. We also experimented to see how far we could stretch a curly wurly. We managed 25cm!

We enjoyed wearing our pyjamas to school!

We now have four ducklings!

We have named our four ducklings Cutie, Ducky, Fluffy and Blippi.

We painted pictures of our ducklings.

We stroked and held the ducklings.



Spring 2 Week 2

We have been looking at the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We created pictures on the laptop from this story.

We have been reflecting daily during lent.

The Pre-School children have been exploring the sounds of instruments.

We have been practising our weaving skills.

We have been looking at one less in maths and used unifix to show one less than a number to ten.

Spring 2 Week 1

We have been looking at Frozen this week. We looked at Olaf dancing in the sun and talked about melting. We then used ice cubes to see how quickly they would melt in our hands.


We made weather crafts.

The Pre-School and Reception children enjoyed learning a dance with Mr Hodgson.

We compared numbers to 10 in maths.

We made shadow puppets and tested these.

We have been practising our threading and weaving.

We have been representing numbers in different ways.

The Pre-School children have been looking at numbers that are represented in different ways (to 5).

Our collective worship theme this week was ‘Forgiveness’.

Spring 1 Week 5

As part of safer internet day, we read a couple of stories about Mo and Jaz using the internet and discussed what we would do in the different scenarios.

We looked at the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8 using ladybirds and spots in maths.

We have also been looking at doubling in maths.

We learnt about Chinese New Year and then made dragon masks. We then carried out a dragon dance.

As part of children’s mental health day, we talked about the different feelings and how we can feel happy. We read ‘The Worry Monster’ and then made our own worry monsters! We then participated in a Pudsey Bear dance to feel happy.