Autumn 2 Week 4

Reception have been learning different rolls in PE.

We have been looking at the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We sequenced the story and acted it out.


In maths, we have been looking at number bonds.

The Pre-School children have been looking at the story ‘Owl Babies’. They painted pictures of the owls.


The Reception children built the Three Little Pig’s houses and then tried to blow them down.

We made an Advent wreath using our hands.


Autumn 2 Week 3

The Pre-School children went on an Autumn walk.

The Reception children looked at old and new toys. They drew observational drawings of old toys and sorted toys into old toys and new toys groups.

As part of friendship week, we made a friendship web. We said nice things about our friends.

We looked at friendly and unfriendly behaviour and discussed what makes a good friend.


Autumn 2 Week 2

The Reception children have been looking at different materials.

The Reception children have been looking at different coins.

The Pre-School children have been looking at what makes them special.

We painted pictures of our favourite toys.

The Reception children have been setting up the Numberland houses from 1-5

The Pre-School children have been looking at groups of objects and seeing which has more and less.

The Reception children have been looking at weight in maths.

We enjoyed playing instruments fast/slow and loud/quiet in music.

Autumn 2 Week 1

The Reception children created firework pictures using black paper and chalk.

In PE, the Reception children looked at balancing and jumping.

We are having fun in our outdoor area.

We have been playing snakes and ladders (focusing on counting).

The Pre-School children have been exploring colour mixing.


The Reception children looked at pushes and pulls.

In RE, we looked at our families and talked about us all being part of God’s family.

We made poppy pictures for Remembrance day.